

Additional Services & Events


To Register and Reserve your space for any or all of the Meditation Self Healing Center Courses/Classes/Sessions, please register by completing Steps 1 & 2:

1. Complete the form by clicking ‘Contact Us’ below, letting us know which class you are signing up for

2. Pay online by clicking ‘Register for Class’ under the preferred class you are interested in. You may send a check that must arrive, at the latest, 1 week before scheduled meeting to 244 Law St. Lapeer, MI 48446

Cancellation Policy for Single Class or Private Session: If you are unable to attend a class or private session, please notify me in writing , by text or email, at least 24 hours in advance. If you notify me within 24 hours in advance, then your pre-payment will be honored by transferring credit towards another class. The class must be taken within 3 months. However, if you do not notify me in writing at least 24 hours in advance, you forfeit the transfer opportunity, and you are responsible for paying for your missed class or missed private session. If for some reason the class does not materialize you will be given the opportunity to transfer credit to another Course/Class/Private Session within 90 days.

Join us for Open Meditation for all levels every Sunday from 1-3pm and Open Meditation for meditation practitioners every Wednesday from 6-7pm

Open Meditation

Reiki Healing


Reiki Healing 〰️

Schedule your Reiki healing with Roy Sexton of Babr Paschla at the Meditation Self Healing Center. 244 Law St. Lapeer, MI 48466. @meditationselfhealingcenter.com or call 8108349402

Come to our healing space to experience the power of Reiki! Submit appointment Donation or you may Schedule your appointment by contacting us at (810)356-5021

Image describing Reiki, using circles around one big circle. What it is, Benefits, Why Reiki?, Treatment, Who needs it? and Results.



Hypnotherapy 〰️


Hypnotherapy with Roy

Schedule Hypnotherapy your session with Roy by calling 810-356-5021

Regression Therapy


Regression Therapy 〰️


Regression Therapy with Roy

Image of a person's head, lying on their back with their arms crossed above their head.
  • Hypnotic regression therapy: While all types of regression therapy involve hypnosis, this most general type does not necessarily include mentions of past lives or year-by-year age regression. It intends to help patients access their subconscious minds through hypnosis.

  • Age regression therapy: In this type of regression therapy, therapists induce amnesia in the patient and then ask them to return to past years.

  • Past life regression therapy: This hinges on the belief that we carry over many of our traumas from our past lives.

Beyond the Bridge


Beyond the Bridge 〰️


Beyond the Bridge - Psychic Medium

The Beyond the Bridge poster, which shows a white staircase leading up into the sky., like a stairway to heaven. The bottom of the poster reads: Schedule Reading at www.meditationselfhealingcenter.com.

Carol Essenmacher is so dedicated to her own spiritual practices of daily Meditation and to living a fulfilling life that is only found in unconditional love and non judgement, that she is very in tune with her spiritual gifts and has the ability to connect with your passed on loved ones, angels, spirit guides, etc;

First, please submit your donation for your reading then Secondly text or call 810-834-5176 to schedule your appointment. Thank You!

Remember to record your session with your phone! Call or text 810.834.5176 to schedule your appointment once you have donated below.


Yoga Ascending


Yoga Ascending 〰️

Stay tuned…